The title refers to the unrest and uncertainty present in every newscast and is exemplified in the “Tree House” installation. While there is a literal reference to the “Tree House”, the paintings “Uncertain Wave” are derived from a more symbolic and emotional space. Without attempting to define the subconscious or state of mind, elements of memory as well as contemporary issues are also involved in the development of the paintings. The titles reflect how I see the work today.

Installation 2010
Axis Gallery 19th Street location, Sacramento, CA
Axis Gallery 19th Street location, Sacramento, CA

Uncertain Wave 2, 2010
oil on canvas, 62"x88"
oil on canvas, 62"x88"

Uncertain Wave 1, 2010
oil on canvas, 62"x88"
oil on canvas, 62"x88"

To Sleep To Dream, 2010
oil on canvas, 60"x42"
oil on canvas, 60"x42"

Tree House, 2009
mixed media installation
mixed media installation

Random Ladder, 2010
mixed media installation
mixed media installation

Album Pages 1, 2009
monotype, rice paper, stitching, 13"x18"
monotype, rice paper, stitching, 13"x18"

Album Pages 2, 2009
monotype, rice paper, stitching, 13"x18"
monotype, rice paper, stitching, 13"x18"

Album Pages 3, 2009
monotype, rice paper, stitching, 13"x18"
monotype, rice paper, stitching, 13"x18"

Glass House, series 2010
glass, resin, copper wire, each approx. 6"x6"x2"
glass, resin, copper wire, each approx. 6"x6"x2"

Glass House 2010
glass, resin, copper wire, 6"x6"x2"
glass, resin, copper wire, 6"x6"x2"